If you wish to order online to participate in our bi-weekly local delivery service, please follow these instructions to be added to the list.
  1. Add your items to your cart and click on the shopping bag icon at the top right of the screen. This will bring you to the “Your Cart” page featured below.
  2. Choose the date and location where you would like to meet us for the bi-weekly delivery date. Then select “Check Out”
  1. Under “Delivery Method”, select “Ship”. This allows the site to lead you to our local delivery option. Please fill in your home address for your shipping address. This ties your address to the credit card information you will provide at payment and is necessary for our bi-weekly delivery.
    • Now select “Continue to Shipping” on the bottom of the page.
      1. Select “Local Delivery” under “Shipping Method”. There is a $3.00 delivery fee and selecting this option insures your order is placed with the next      bi-weekly delivery.
      • Now select “Continue to Payment”.
      1. Now you will see your contact info, shipping address and method of delivery. While your shipping address will be your home address, the method of delivery should be “Local Delivery”. The website will tell us at Everything Raw that you are signing up for the bi-weekly delivery and the date and location you chose in your cart (see step 2.), will appear on your order.
      1. Fill in your payment information and select your billing address. If this is the same as your home address, simply select “Same as Shipping Address”.
      2. Select “Continue to Payment”, to finish processing your order.
      3. You will receive an email to confirm your order, which will include your bi-weekly delivery location and date.

Please call us if you have any questions or concerns!